Simeti releases new album

Standard People
BY INDIANA CHIRARA Celebrated local gospel artist, Joyce Simeti (in picture), well-known for  her track Kudza Baba Namai has released her sixth album titled Makandinzwa.Simeti believes her sixth album will prove to be her best ever production since she turned professional.

The album has eight tracks which include Dai Ndiri Kupi?, Rudo, Mabasa Akanaka and a bonus track Kudza Baba Naamai as well as two instrumental tracks.“Dai Ndiri  Kupi? is a song which talks about the grace of God,” Simeti said.

“I remember when I was growing up, some of my peers passed away and some are living in poverty. “I had sisters who had the potential for a bright future but they are no more.

“We need to acknowledge God in all we do because for us to be on this earth, it’s because of the grace he has towards our lives.”Mabasa Akanaka is a track which targets Christians. It says many people are church-goers but their way of life goes against what the Bible encourages.“All Christians must try not to go against the word of God but the way we treat and relate with other people must tell that we were cleansed by his blood. We must not live like our secular peers,” she said.

The track Rudo extols the importance of love. Simeti sings about how possible it is for a daughter-in-law and mother-in-law to be best friends.“With the preveous albums, I used to go to the studio with some lyrics written on paper because I would not be very familiar with the songs but with this album everything was totally different because I knew all the songs by head.

“I have realised the importance of being well- organised.”

She believes she is now experienced enough and that her seventh album will be even better.Simeti went on to say that when she started her music carrier she was not familiar with high quality sound which refines tracks.