Without challenges, life is nothing

Man has dreamt of a perfect society where there is no conflict and has imagined a perfect society where there is constant happiness.


Man has dreamt of a perfect society where there is no conflict and has imagined a perfect society where there is constant happiness.

But let us consider what Jesus said in John 16:33, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart I have overcome the world.”

Jesus understood that as long as man was on the earth he would go through trials and challenging situations. Many have ignored this fact and have allowed themselves to dream of perfect societies in which man can live without conflict whatsoever.

When you begin to live with such ideas, you lose your ability to fight and persevere for your destiny. The moment the world does not give you a reason to fight, you start dying. Man was created to work in areas of conflict.

When challenged, men become innovative and explore new areas. Most major innovations were made by men who rose above challenges and pushed themselves beyond human limitations. The moment you stop fighting and give up, you immediately begin to die. That’s why the master said as long as you are in the world, you will encounter challenging and trying situations; and the moment you win that battle, get ready for a new one.

God told Adam that he would eat from his sweat. The ground was instructed to resist man, but even though the ground has tried to resist man, we have seen great advancements in farming and mining.

Men do well under difficulties and the moment resistance is removed, you will not be motivated to do more. Utopia can only be realised through Christ but even though you may have Christ,  there comes moments when you feel like giving up. But he reassured us besides all these things, he has given us victory.

It’s important to understand that conflict will always be there, but its easier because Christ has won some battles for you already. In 1516, Sir Thomas More wrote the first Utopia. He coined the word utopia from the Greek word, “outopos”: meaning “no place” or “nowhere”. So at the very heart of the word is a vital question: Can a perfect world ever be realised? Even the person who coined the phrase had disbelief such a place could be in existence.

A perfect society where man can live happily and is completely peaceful does not exist. Time will come when as believers we will be in our own utopia: that’s figurative for heaven. But before that day, men will not always agree on so many areas.

Challenges will always be there. As Africa, we have put hope in politicians and elections that during election periods hope of a perfect state and recovery of economy when new government comes brew strong desire to see perfect states, but when the new term begins many are disappointed.

As Zimbabwe, we may not have our utopia, but we can push beyond the difficulties and see a shift in our nation and allow ourselves to build the Zimbabwe we want to see and even dream of our own utopia. Utopia is only in Christ Jesus.

God bless you!

Humphrey Mtandwa is an anointed minister of the gospel and teacher of the Word based in South Africa. He has written several books, including The Enoch Generation, Truthfulness and Theophany. He blogs at mtandwa.blogspot.com and can be contacted via e-mail or WhatsApp on +27 610286350.