Video: Makorokoza terror shakes Kwekwe

WATCH This documentary about Kwekwe, a town of makorokoza, blood & machetes

WATCH This documentary about Kwekwe, a town of makorokoza, blood & machetes. VIDEO RECORDING BY TAPIWA ZIVIRA INTERVIEWS BY JOHN MOKWETSI/Audrey Mutasa VIDEO EDITING BY TAPIWA ZIVIRA

As another sun rises and shines onto the streets of Kwekwe it masks the night bloody encounters that have become part of life in this mining town.

This is a town that is supposed to show wealth and status owing to its strategic positioning above goldfields, but it has instead become a place of blood, conflict and pain.

Gold miners trying to salvage what is left of the once giant Globe and Phoenix Mine butcher each other, and ordinary residents are caught up in the melee, as the attackers have also extended their vice to robbery and murder in the suburbs of Kwekwe and Redcliff.