Practical wisdom for a new season

“And behold there arose a great tempest in the sea, insomuch that the ship was covered with the waves: but he was asleep.” (Matthew 8:24 KJV) Jesus was sleeping peacefully in the midst of a storm. The most difficult thing to do is to be quiet and not complain to the Lord amidst the storms of life.

“And behold there arose a great tempest in the sea, insomuch that the ship was covered with the waves: but he was asleep.” (Matthew 8:24 KJV) Jesus was sleeping peacefully in the midst of a storm. The most difficult thing to do is to be quiet and not complain to the Lord amidst the storms of life.

Moments of quietness are more beautiful in good times because during such times you are grateful for the life you have.

But we are called to trust God at all times. The Spirit of God in Genesis moved over a dark, formless and void world in quietness. In a night vision, I once saw a man and a woman hanging for their dear lives on a mountain edge and God said to both of them: “Let go and praise me.”

This was a difficult thing to do because letting go of their lifeline would have seen them both dropping to their deaths. The man obeyed and raised his hands in faith to praise God. He was immediately delivered as a hand came from the sky and grabbed him before he fell. The woman refused to let go until her arms gave in and she fell to her death. The things of God are foolishness to those that perish. She thought if she let go she would die so in an effort to save her life, she lost it. In her mind, she was wondering: If He was really God, surely He could save her even if she did not let go? 

God is a God of principles. He will never break His principles under any circumstances. When you understand this, you will live a victorious life. Find out these principles and follow them. The most amazing thing is that the fundamental principles of our Christian walk are so simple that many easily miss them.

God in His wisdom has planned for your life and sees beyond the storms you’re going though. The two people in that vision God showed me are a picture of so many individuals out there. Many die because the action required for them to overcome the storms seems stupid. The best example is of Naaman the leper. He was told by the prophet to go wash in the Jordan and he answered: Are there no better rivers where we come from? His servant encouraged him and the general followed the instruction and was healed.

There are so many people who have been instructed maybe too fast, give an offering or even to just pray, but refused because the instruction seemed not realistic to what they were going through.

In the past year so many may have failed to accomplish the plans they had and the main reason is God spoke and they did not follow. Some may say He never spoke. But God does not always speak with a loud voice and thunder, He can speak through anything and we at times overlook these messengers and fail to accomplish His plans for us. 

This new year, make up your mind to follow all the instructions He shall give you even if they seem unrealistic. Remember the two people in my vision were told to let go and worship and one obeyed. There is so much God has planned for you and will do through you, but if you don’t follow His principles, they will not be accomplished. Seek after Him that He may direct you on what you must do and apply yourself to the wisdom He releases to you. 

God bless you and may 2019 be a great year for you.

Humphrey Mtandwa is the founder of Voice of Triumph in Harare. He has written several books including The Enoch Generation, Truthfulness and Theophany. He blogs at