Understanding spiritual husbands and wives

SPIRITUAL husbands and wives are demonic manifestations that happen in certain individuals’ lives either at night or even during the day.


SPIRITUAL husbands and wives are demonic manifestations that happen in certain individuals’ lives either at night or even during the day.

These encounters are always sexual in nature and during these manifestations the parties involved can have the same feelings and sensations as someone having sexual intercourse.

A young lady once told me of how every time she had sexual dreams she would suffer loss at work and at times there would be frustration in her relationship. Most victims have

challenges in marriages and love relationships. Society ignores dreams or manifestations of this nature because they seem as just manifestations of one’s sexual desires. But those

that have been victims of these demonic systems have come to a point of frustration and know the negative effects of each sexual encounter.

Some excuse it by saying a Christian cannot be a victim of demonic attacks because they cannot be demonised. But yet those that are victims to demonic oppression cannot excuse the evidence of their pain and losses. But once a person is in Christ, such manifestations should not happen. Balaam could not curse the children of Israel even after several attempts. Yet the children of Israel were at times victims of plagues, wars and were even carried into slavery. But these manifestations can be perceived as if Israel could be cursed. When you study the Bible closely, you will notice how Israel became a victim only when they would have sinned against God.

Balaam could not curse Israel, yet Israel could bring a curse on themselves through their actions. Christians cannot be tormented by demons, but Christians can open themselves up for demonic attacks.

Could it be those that are victims of these spiritual spouses or demonic oppression could have opened a door in some way? In most counselling sessions that I have done, I have noticed most victims of spiritual sexual attacks at times have opened the door through sexual sin or an act that gives the enemy an entry point into their lives. In a family of eight girls, one can be a victim. The question should be what opened the door for her to be attacked.

These individuals are only victims because of a door that has been opened. For some, before it happens they are bombarded by strong sexual desires and some suffer from lust and strong uncontrollable sexual passions.

Christ died for us and delivered us from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of his son. Although you are no longer a resident in the kingdom of darkness, there are doors into this kingdom that can open through different ways. If you can maintain these doors closed you can live a life free from demonic oppression.

By dealing with the sin that is connected to any area of bondage in your life, you maintain the door closed. Yes, one can go for deliverance, but without dealing with the sin one will always be a victim. This is not only in the area of attacks of a sexual nature. It can be different types of demons tormenting people as there is always a door that would have been opened. When you find the area of sin the devil uses to come into your life, you can walk as a victor. The hardest thing is to admit that you opened the door for what you are going through. It’s time to take responsibility and stand against the devil. Resist him and he will surely flee.

God bless you.

Humphrey Mtandwa is an anointed minister of the gospel and teacher of the Word based in South Africa. He has written several books including The Enoch Generation, Truthfulness and Theophany. He blogs at mtandwa.blogspot.com and can be contacted via e-mail or WhatsApp on +27 610286350.