Who then are the slaves?

The Bible tells us of slaves who have not yet been emancipated, but are still living under the tyranny of a very cruel master who is so terrible that those in his nation or kingdom have no freedoms at all. 


The Bible tells us of slaves who have not yet been emancipated, but are still living under the tyranny of a very cruel master who is so terrible that those in his nation or kingdom have no freedoms at all. 

This slave master is said to be cruel, but those under his tyranny no longer see his chains on their lives as chains. Because they have never known freedom, they assume the chains are a form of liberty. They have never experienced true freedom to know what it feels like to be free. The thought of a life without the pleasures of their assumed liberty seems a far worse position than the one they are in. 

Apostle Paul wrote to the Romans: “Thank God! Once you were slaves of sin, but now you wholeheartedly obey this teaching we have given you.” Any man who has not received Jesus Christ as his Lord is a slave to the devil and his systems. But yet it seems as if those in the world are the ones who are free and those in church are the ones in bondage. This slave master has hidden his chains in the indulgences of life which appear to be a form of freedom. 

In our time, it appears as if those in the church are under a slave master whose chains are religion which stops man from thinking and being free. Statements like “It is just sex” or “What is the sin? It is just a little fun”  are used to justify sinful lifestyles.  The church has become like a dinosaur that is quickly going extinct because people do not want to be controlled and judged. To men, true liberty can now be measured by how much fun something is. So the church has become the slave master and sin the liberator.

The devil as the slave master has trapped man in his systems and has made the only tool that was sent to lift his chains over man seem as if it is the one that binds man. As men, we need to understand that Jesus did not come to establish a religion, but to restore man back to God. When man sinned, the devil corrupted him and caused him to now function at a lower level than what he was created for. 

There is greater ecstasy that is found in God than in the world because everything the devil does he copies. But yet his copies are never the same standard as God’s. A certain preacher said he would indulge in casual sex before marriage and to him that was satisfying until he had sex for the first time with his wife after they had been married. He says that it was an amazing experience and he explained how before he was married he would always feel void and empty after sex, but coming together with his wife he felt completed and not a void.

There is always a void that is created with any fleshly indulgence. Any sinful act of sex, crime and drugs, supposed to be a form of liberty, however creates a void or emptiness after one engages in any of them. If surely they are a form of liberty, they should never be emptiness. No wonder Paul said those under sin are slaves to sin.

The devil’s indulgences cause addiction, but God brings freedom. Remember Jesus did not come to bring or institute a religion, but He came to call us to a new way of life when man live in liberty free from sin. God bless you.

l Humphrey Mtandwa is an anointed minister of the gospel and teacher of the Word based in South Africa. He has written several books including The Enoch Generation, Truthfulness and Theophany. He blogs at mtandwa.blogspot.com and can be contacted via e-mail or WhatsApp on +27 610286350.