King David sinned when he took the wife of Uriah, God still called him a man after His own heart. The difference between Saul and David was that David would repent of his sin and seek God in that fallen state. The issue is not about sin; it is about the relationship.
I remember a dear sister. Having known Victory for years, I had a custom of going with her to church once a month or whenever I had the time. One Sunday morning, I arrived at her house around 7 am. I sat and waited for her. Being so close, I was comfortably seated in her home when I noticed someone in her bedroom.
When her door was open, the person also saw me and greeted me. He wasn’t wearing a shirt and was still sleeping in her bed. Sister Victory seemed not to mind that I had seen him and straightaway introduced him as a friend. We left the person in her house and went to church.
On the way to church, I felt like she had sinned against me. I was very angry and disappointed, but I didn’t show my anger to her and continued to talk to her casually.
We got to church, and I went to pray. As I prayed, I kept asking myself why a sister would have someone sleep over at her house. I started to condemn her, and as I continued, I felt so hurt. Then God asked me, “Has she sinned against you or me?” The voice was so clear, I thought it through before I answered. I said in reverence, “You, sir.” He then said, “Why do you condemn her when I have nothing against her?”
Salvation is personal, which is why the scriptures say, “Work out your salvation with fear and trembling.” It is easy to judge someone when you don’t know their position with God. Sister Victory, when you look at her situation, you may judge her and say she is a fornicator when she is forgiven. She was as much a child of God as you or me. When you look at her story, you can think of David. When everyone else was condemning him over the wife of Uriah, God had forgiven him. Sin is not the issue. Jesus has paid the price already; the issue is a relationship.
Many believers, because of sin, break fellowship. But if you, in that fallen state, maintain your relationship with Him, He has a way of perfecting you. Even to this day, I find it hard to understand why Jesus would say, “I do not condemn Victory, why do you?” Imagine the woman caught in the very act, and Jesus just said, “Go,” without requiring a sin confession from her. The Master wants a relationship. Remember, He died for us when we were yet sinners, so for Him, He wants that sinner more, and His sacrifice was for the sinner.
When the Prophet Nathan rebuked David for his sin of taking Bathsheba, the wife of Uriah, he fasted and sought the Lord. Also, when David numbered the children of Israel and God was angry with him, he cried to the Lord for forgiveness and made a sacrifice to God, seeking His mercy. As a child of God, if you reach a point where you cannot be corrected or be accountable to anyone, you are in a dangerous position. God looks at the heart and the state of one’s heart after sin. Are you in a broken state, or are you upright and cannot be corrected? Sin was never the issue. He came to die for us when we were in our sins. God bless you.
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- Humphrey Mtandwa is an apostolic teacher of the word of God and founder of Believers Voice of Triumph Ministries. He has authored many books, including The Enoch Generation, Truthfulness, Night Parables and Theophany. If you want to connect with him or have any questions, get in touch on www.apostlehumphrey.com