Letter to my people: Dreams of a dynasty will end in tears

Companies are reeling from the toxic operating environment foisted upon it by this incompetent regime, which has no relation whatsoever with sound business practices.

My Dear People

In a clear demonstration of the cluelessness that permeates the corridors of power, the dispensation of poverty, darkness and confusion is in the process of  creating a corporate graveyard in the country through its bankrupt policies.

Companies are reeling from the toxic operating environment foisted upon it by this incompetent regime, which has no relation whatsoever with sound business practices.

Sugar producer Triangle has announced that it will implement a three-phase retrenchment exercise as a result of serious viability problems characterised by escalating operational costs, competition from low cost duty-free imported sugar and currency losses, among other ills.

The move by the sugar producer will add to the high levels of joblessness in the country as a result of the impoverished governance of the Scarfmore regime.

This comes shortly after retail giant OK Zimbabwe revealed that it was experiencing supply bottlenecks as a result of an unstable trading environment.

The skewed operating environment has also resulted in regional retail chain outlet Choppies fleeing the country.

This economic chaos wreaked by the Scarfmore regime’s scorched earth policies is further encapsulated by firms  such as Khayah Cement and Beta Holdings  being placed under receivership. 

This corporate bloodbath, my dear people, is the shameful legacy of the so-called second repubric and not the fairy tale nonsense spewed by propaganda chief Jenfan Muswere that the coup regime has implemented more than 8 000 projects since Scarfmore was catapulted into power on the back of guns and tanks.

Any hopes of economic transformation under the regime of the Scarfed One are as slim as a miser’s good wishes.


The visit by parliamentarians to the Scarfed One’s Precabe Farm last week has exposed that the objective was never about touring the octogenarian’s maize fields, but to push the nefarious agenda of extending the Scarfed One’s incompetent leadership from the constitutionally mandated 2028 to 2030.

Taking the limelight was none other than the leader of the opposition in Parliament, buffoon and puppet Sengezo Tshabangu declaring louder than those in Zanu PF for the scarfed one to continue to stay in office beyond the constitutionally mandated term limit.

Tshabangu, who owes his position to Scarfmore and co who helped foist him into what has become a corrupted and bastardised parliament, was gushing in his praise of the Scarfed One.

In a bootlicking frenzy, Tshabangu called the production on the octogenarian’s farm “amazing and incredible stuff”.

The moronic behaviour by Tshabangu was really something to behold even for someone singing for his supper.

With such   spineless and captured opposition parliamentarians, the beaming Scarfmore could even afford to tell them to hold his party MPs accountable knowing fully well there is a better chance of snow pelting the country than that happening.

This is what Gushungo meant when he said the Scarfed One has not an ounce of probity in him.

Once again, I want to warn those pushing the 2030 agenda to learn from history.

You cannot try to create a family dynasty whether you call it the Trabablas or Mafidi dynasty in this day and age. It will end in tears.


If double standards were a person, it would be embodied in none other than MDC leader Douglas Togaraseyi Mwonzora.

The bespectacled fellow has added his voice to the chorus of criticism of the attempts by the regime to pulverise the constitution to suit the selfish interests of Scarfmore to hang tenaciously to power beyond his term limit prescribed by the country’s supreme law.

Yet Mwonzora readily assisted Scarfmore to butcher the constitution to increase his grip on the judiciary when he was the leader of the MDC which had seats in Parliament at the time. 

It is hypocrisy on steroids for Mwonzora to then start championing constitutionalism when he showed no such worries when enthusiastically helping the Scarfed One to weaken the judiciary. 

There is no doubt that the latest contretemps by Dougie with Scarfmore is driven more by sour grapes of having been dumped into the political sewer after his party failed to win a single seat during both the 2022 by-elections and the 2023 fraudulent polls rather than constitutional concerns.

Worse still this drubbing occurred after he had begged Scarfmore, in vain, not to let the polls go ahead to allow his snout to remain firmly entrenched in the feeding trough.

Mwonzora’s outcry from the bowels of oblivion are as pathetic as they are insincere.


 I could not help but chuckle at the plea by Chief Justice Luke Malaba for judicial officers to instil public confidence and trust in the country’s judiciary during the official opening of the legal year in Bulawayo last week.

Malaba, whose own extension in his post was shrouded in controversy as a result of contentious amendments to the Constitution, is hardly the flagbearer for public confidence in the country’s courts.

Worse still the collusion by the courts to prolong detention of opposition party members without bail  before trial, such as  that of Job Sikhala who spent nearly 600 days in Chikurubi Maximum Security Prison with murderers and rapists, makes public confidence a pipe dream.

The claim by Malaba that hosting the official opening in Bulawayo reflected its commitment to decentralise justice was laughable.

It surely takes more than officially opening the legal year in a city outside Harare for one to claim the decentralisation of justice.

The judiciary has been seriously compromised ever since the constitution amendments gave Scarfmore an iron grip over it.

It has become a laughing stock and it will take much more than a plea by Malaba to restore it to its former glory.


Stop It!

Dr Amai Stop it!

PhD (Fake)

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