Grooming: Finding treatment to suit hair texture

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For the longest time I have worn my hair in braids as I have not known what to do with it in its natural or relaxed state. I have coarse, what we call in our colloquial language, “hard mashona type”, but fine hair.



Even after relaxing it, it still felt like grass, so I resorted to keeping my hair hidden away. A few weeks ago I decided to embark on a journey to embracing my own hair and getting it to a state I would love.

The one Sunday at church, we had some doctors visiting us from the United States of America. Among them was an African-American doctor who had beautiful, healthy looking hair that she wore short. I must admit I was envious but I allowed that to quickly turn to inspiration. So I went about town shopping for what I thought were the appropriate products.

As I was having a conversation with a friend she referred to a local, online hair consultant called Aphro Phro. Like myself she too had her own hair issues and she took it upon herself to understand her hair as well, in respect to what to use and what not to use on her hair, just to mention a few.

I know the majority of you, like me, are misled concerning the treatment of hair. Having coarse hair does not mean it is tough and can endure anything.  It actually is fragile and needs to be treated with tender, loving care. Last Thursday I decided to begin with Back to Health Regime.

The lessons I have learnt thus far are:

In the same manner we  read the labels on food, the same can be applied to hair care products. It extends the shopping process initially but once you have found your stuff, the subsequent trips are shorter.

The things to look out for and stay away from are:

Petroleum: this seals the pores of your hair and does not allow any moisture in as it seals in what is already contained in your hair. Most of us apply petroleum-based hair foods, like Jeba, on blow-dried hair so there is nothing to seal in as the scalp is dry.

Lanolin: is just as thick and has the same effects as petroleum.

Mineral oils: I thought since my hair food contained no petroleum it was safe but no, there were still mineral oils, like some Dr Miracle’s hair products. It is usually called Paraffinium Liquidium.

Having suggested you stay away from these, it may seem as though there is nothing to use but there are cheaper, organic and healthier alternatives if you visit your local pharmacies.

Coconut oil: This retails for between US$2 and US$3 at local pharmacies with fancier brands going for US$10 at some health shops in town. Its benefits on hair are that it alleviates dandruff, can be used as an anti-fungal agent, a conditioner and it promotes hair growth by causing it to grow out thicker and fuller.

I have recently started moisturising my hair with coconut oil everyday and already I can feel the difference in my hair texture and it has only been a week.

Heat styling serumHeat styling is the in-thing but it can be detrimental to your hair. It should not be done too often and definitely with a serum that protects your hair from extreme heat otherwise you are just frying your hair.

Clean hairClean hair grows better. Wash your once a week. Everyday is too frequent and strips the hair of the oils it requires in order for it to remain healthy.Today I only have enough space to inform you about the products but follow me on my journey to healthy hair using Aphro Phro’s tried and tested techniques and I will continue to share the lessons I am learning along the way.