‘Stressed men go for shapely women’

Standard People
Stressed men go for shapely women


When coping with life’s twists and turns, men apparently want something to grab hold of. Researchers have found during times of stress, they are attracted to heavier women.

  The study suggests if work or finances are playing on their minds, they are more likely to turn to a lady with a shapely figure.

  Psychologists at the University of Westminster in London tested 80 white British men of normal weight — of which half underwent a difficult group interview exercise designed to make them feel uneasy.

  Afterwards they all looked at a series of pictures of women of varying sizes from emaciated to obese.

  While none of the men found the most extreme bodies at either end of the spectrum attractive, those in the “stress” group showed a marked preference for those on the heavier side.

  Lead author Dr Viren Swami said when socio-economic or personal circumstances are threatening or uncertain, men go for “more mature” physical characteristics.

  The researchers believe this is because men subconsciously think these women will also be mature in personality and better able to handle a crisis.

  Dr Swami said: “Body size appears to be an important signal of both physical and psychological maturity…Physical maturity is associated with the ability to handle threatening situations and may communicate attributes such as strength, control and independence during periods when such qualities should be most desired.”

  The 40 men who had not undergone a stress test had a narrower range of women they considered attractive — who tended to be slim.

  But those who had the stress test not only rated a larger woman as their “ideal” body type, they found a wider range of body sizes attractive right up to some of the most overweight women.

  Scientists call this the “Environmental Security Hypothesis”’ which suggests our attractions change depending on our circumstances.