Make Scholarship Honourable, Excellency!

I WISH to reiterate my displeasure to the Algerian Ambassador to Zimbabwe, Ali Mokrani at the pathetic plight being endured by Zimbabwean students in Algeria.

I WISH to reiterate my displeasure to the Algerian Ambassador to Zimbabwe, Ali Mokrani at the pathetic plight being endured by Zimbabwean students in Algeria.

I will make no apologies at all for the letter I wrote recently complaining of the tragedy that has befallen our fellow Zimbabwean children studying in your country, especially when I had to literally travel to South Africa last week to send money to your country via Western Union to my sister-in-law who is studying there and is under my guardianship.

As of this week, the Zimbabwean students studying in your country were surviving on handouts from their Zambian counterparts thus I strongly believe it is cheap diplomatic gloss for you to frivolously exonerate your country from a clear neglect of scholarship students who are supposed to look up to you for better welfare and protection.

While you might have neatly tucked away the abuse of our citizens in your country over the years and enjoyed a phoney clean slate of unreported incidents; I fear you have been trivially negligent and complacent with the last student intake and unless you rectify the situation immediately, a scribbled denial to the media will never salvage the Zimbabwean students studying in your country from the “dire straits” and “desperate situation” they unfortunately find themselves in today.

Furthermore, Your Excellency, it is extremely depressing for you to imprudently insinuate that a Zimbabwean scholarship student in your country, is capable of failing!

Are you sure that, a Zimbabwean, of all students, who is on scholarship for that matter, is capable of failing? I think you need to check the international intelligence and literacy records regarding Zimbabweans in the academia.

I suggest you address the situation of Zimbabwean scholarship students in your country as a matter of urgency instead of campaigning for more Zimbabwean students to apply for your controversial scholarship programme when you already have too much on your plate.

I have benefited from a scholarship programme myself and as far as I am concerned being on scholarship does not mean that we have to end up redefining the rules of engagement in the media like this.

A scholarship is honourable; make it just so Your Excellency.Vukani Madoda,Harare.