The disabled can also do it!

LET us give the physically challenged enough time to showcase their talents because nothing can stop them.

LET us give the physically challenged enough time to showcase their talents because nothing can stop them.

It’s possible for a physically disabled person to rule the country; they can be leaders of tomorrow if they are given enough time to air their views.Let us not neglect them but let us encourage them.Prudence Mabhena –– of the Oscar-winning documentary, Music by Prudence –– has shown us that disabled people can do it, so let us give them time to showcase what they are capable of.Disability does not mean inability. Mabhena has proved it to the rest of the world.The government should do more to improve the plight of the disabled. Now is the time to give the marginalised people an opportunity to showcase what they have to offer.

Nicholas Gora,Harare.