Why women should never wear trousers

Through your educative and informative newspaper, allow me to respond to recent debate on women’s dressing  and to tell the nation the truth about how we should dress as Africans.

Women are to dress in “modest apparel” — That is what the Bible commands. It is not a matter of opinion. God has revealed His will concerning the manner in which women ought to dress. Rebellious women don’t care; they’re going to be lewd, rude and crude anyway; but a woman that fears God does care, and she is careful about the way she clothes herself. The Greek word for “modest” in 1st Timothy 2:9 is “Kosmios” which means “of good behaviour”. Hence, the attire which a woman wears sends a message on the type of moral character she possesses. Women who wear pants (trousers) either do not recognise, or do not care, about the spiritual dangers of lasciviousness. The clothes that women wear carry a message.

Proof of this is found in Proverb 7:10… “And, behold, there met him a woman with the attire of a harlot, and subtle of heart.” The Bible speaks about the attire of a harlot. One cannot deny that sexually suggestive clothing is the attire of a harlot. Any type of clothing that exposes a woman’s thighs, breast- cleavage or is tight is immodest and sinful. It is a sin for women to wear tight pants, miniskirts and open blouses. It is a sin for women to pose in women’s catalogues, because they know that millions of men will also look through those catalogues and commit adultery. It is a sin to become a Dallas Cowboy cheerleader, stripping down almost naked and showing the crowds their underwear while kicking their legs in the air.

Belly dancing is the filthiest trash on earth. Sexually explicit plays and theatre performances are nothing but whore shows. Africa needs to reject this cultural decadence to get it right with God.

When the demon-possessed maniac of Gadarenes found Jesus Christ, he came back to his right senses, put his clothes back on and sat down at the feet of Jesus. Jesus is the cure for nudity!

There are godly men who are trying to maintain clean minds, and you’re helping to hurt them spiritually. God will hold every woman accountable for every lust she intentionally caused in men by her immodest apparel.