Managing the pace of change

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Change has been variously defined as making a material difference in something compared to an earlier state, transforming or converting something, or simply becoming different. While an organisational structure may change through major downsizing, outsourcing, acquisitions, or mergers, personal changes in an individual’s life tend to take on a rather peculiar complexion.

Change has been variously defined as making a material difference in something compared to an earlier state, transforming or converting something, or simply becoming different. While an organisational structure may change through major downsizing, outsourcing, acquisitions, or mergers, personal changes in an individual’s life tend to take on a rather peculiar complexion. Organisational changes can be specifically categorised into structural, cost, process and cultural change. Personal changes on the other hand have a much broader and often complex scope ranging from mindset shifts to behavioural, attitudinal and in some cases physical changes which can be difficult to define or measure depending on their levels of consistency.

Inspiration with Cynthia C Hakutangwi

Are you taking healthy strides?

In the enthusiasm and pressure of adopting New Year’s resolutions towards a better life, the temptation for most individuals is to make radical changes in certain areas of their lives. While radical changes promise equally radical benefits in the short-term, some changes can trigger system shock to the general architecture of our lives if they are not taken in decent healthy strides. This can pose a danger for further dysfunction. Discontent with or in the current affairs of our lives can often convict us to make radical and drastic changes in fundamental areas. These decisions and disruptions can potentially create glaring vacuums, which can be disastrous if they are not managed with wisdom. The generality of change decisions in our lives require us to be discerning to the end that we ensure we have the adequate commitment, resources, support and internal capacity to sustain them.

Radical, incremental or transformational change?

Radical change and incremental change are two types of change that are polar opposites. Debate continues to ensue over which kind of change is better. Those who believe in innovation consider incremental change too slow whilst those that believe in incremental change view radical change as “too risky and not sustainable.” A typical example is that of weight loss through dieting. Diets are often successful in terms of allowing us to lose weight rapidly, but they are not sustainable and they are not intended to be sustainable. We start diets with the thought that they will be temporary, however in order to keep the weight off, we need to gradually condition a new sustainable nutritional plan, otherwise we will end up in a more desperate condition than where we started. When we do not formulate a plan to form new habits we are very likely to fail. Radical change requires willpower, support and more change management. What if the speed of radical change can be merged with the sustainability and continual improvement of incremental change? Transformation is an approach, a philosophy and a methodology. One of the key underlying principles of transformational change is that it is holistic. By dealing holistically with all elements of human systems, transformational change has proven to be sustainable as it aims to be irreversible and enduring. In the pursuit of changes that can improve our lives in the New Year let us remain mindful of the need for wholesome sustainable thinking.

Start by recharging

In some instances, the year that has passed may have left you deflated and discouraged. Before you start making major changes, this first month is the perfect opportunity to motivate yourself to recharge in every area of your life. How do you plan to nourish and recharge your inner spirit man? What plans have you made to detoxify from hurtful and anti-progressive emotions? Who do you need to forgive in order to move on ahead? Have you forgiven yourself of your failures and how have you dealt with self-condemnation? In spite of your failures and short comings a healthy self-esteem is an integral part of your personality. It therefore requires deliberate cultivation and maintenance as it determines your levels of vitality, enthusiasm and personal magnetism. With a healthy self-esteem you will become more positive, effective and able to attract good people in your life.

How are you planning to detach yourself from the toxic relationships you may have? As you recharge you must be determined to achieve your set goals in spite of the threatening obstacles. One of the best ways is through ejecting toxic, time wasting habits and people who hold you back and pretend to care for you. How do you intend to invest in your body? According to Rick Warren, “Keeping your body in shape is a spiritual discipline. It’s not just about losing a few pounds, wanting to live longer, or trying to look nicer. Your Creator is going to hold you accountable for how you managed what He gave you.”

In all your endeavours may you determine to enter the New Year with the attitude to serve others and pursue your God-given purpose.

Cynthia Chirinda Hakutangwi is an organisational and personal development consultant, life coach, author and strategist. Her two new additions to the Connection Factor Collection — The Connection Factor for Leaders and The Connection Factor for Women — speak to matters that position organisational leaders and women respectively, to achieve greater levels of success through their strategic connections. Looking at improving your career, personal effectiveness, communication skills, relationships, focus, faith and happiness? Wholeness Incorporated Coaching offers you strategies you can implement today to review your progress and achieve your goals. E-mail: [email protected]. LinkedIn: Cynthia Chirinda Hakutangwi. Mobile: +263 717 013 206.
