If you are in the market for some spare holiday cash, you may be at your wits end for where to turn. One good idea that you might have may be to try and sell your old used clunker. But is trading in your car for the holiday cash really truly worth it? Let’s have a look and see if we can’t unravel this puzzle.
Not Worth It: If the car you are thinking of selling in is your only means of transport, then it’s probably not a good idea to get rid of it. If this car is your only means of transport to get to work or to get around then selling your car probably isn’t a good idea.
Considered: If however your car is on it’s last legs and you have been thinking of trading it in and trading up for a better one, then now may be a great time for you to consider selling off and eventually trading up. Not only is the end of the year a great time for retailers in the mall, it’s also an ideal time for automotive retailers as well. You may be able to find a Troy MI automotive reselling spot that will give you a great deal on your used car.
Definitely: Then there are the times when you should definitely use the end of the year to get rid of your car. If you have a car that you continue to insure that you just don’t drive you should sell it. If you have a car that has plates on it and is likely just something of a tax burden, you should sell it. If you have a car you are only holding onto for sentimental reasons, then the end of the year is a perfect time for you to sell it. Not only will you get some extra holiday cash but you will also reduce your outstanding obligations during the following year. You will have one less thing to pay taxes on, one less thing to have insured, and one less thing that you have to care for.
Another point worth considering is if you are living in a more urban area and you still have your car for no reason. Having a car in an urban area only leaves you open to vandalism, ticketing from police, and so forth. Not having a car in your urban zone will also allow you to use public transit, ride a bicycle or even just get out and walk a little more. There is no better way for you to become aquatinted with an urban area then by trekking out on foot.
You are the only one who knows whether or not you have reason to keep your car. But if any of the reasons listed above apply to you then you might want to consider it. Getting rid of a car you don’t need is freeing and can actually leave you with some extra year end holiday cash!