My Dear People
It would be churlish of your good doctor, just shortly after the commemoration of Valentine’s Day, does not to take the opportunity to express my love to you my dear people.
It is you who inspire me to write this weekly missive.
The spirit of Valentine's, however, is nowhere to be seen in the Citizens Coalition for Change faction led by that clown and self-imposed secretary-general Sengezo Tshabangu.
The members of this motley group of impostors were left stunned when Tshabangu unilaterally imposed himself and fellow cohorts into Parliament as senators.
The posts were left vacant after Tshabangu, with the help of the state, recalled CCC parliamentarians and councilors, which was in essence pointing the middle finger to the citizens who had voted for them as representatives.
The enraged individuals from the faction have vowed not to take what they see as Tshabangu’s betrayal lying down. Munopenga!!!
What did these bozos expect from an individual who, in his greed, made himself secretary general for the purposes of getting into parliament and getting his grubby hands on the funding for political parties.?
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It speaks volumes of the gullibility of these individuals that they thought they could work with Tshabangu, who has clearly demonstrated that he is a stranger to honesty and just basic decency.
It is pathetic to see grown men and women fight over spoils they did not work for.
Indeed, it is no exaggeration that the dignity of Parliament has been soiled by the imposition of Tshabangu and company.
I hooted with laughter when I read the interview by one state rag with the Health minister Douglas Mombeshora.
In what was clearly a massive plunge into the realm of fantasy,
Mombeshora spoke of huge changes in the health sector characterised by air ambulances and helicopter pads.
One wonders whether he had imbibed a bit too much of the wise waters or he was simply getting carried away by being excited to be back in Cabinet when he uttered such drivel.
This is a ministry that has failed to provide basic medication in public hospitals making them death traps.
Under the so-called second repubric, more than 4 000 health workers have left the country due to atrocious working conditions.
It is telling that most senior government officials including the Generari often seek treatment outside the country giving the public health sector they superintend over, a wide berth.
That some public health institutions have only one functional ambulance speaks volumes of the almost criminal neglect of the health sector by the dispensation of poverty, darkness and confusion.
To talk of air ambulances and heli- pads when treasury cannot even give 15% of revenue to the health sector as agreed by African governments at a conference in Abuja Nigeria, is nothing short of comical.
Mombeshora should focus on provision of basic medication and adequate resources before he opens his trap about air ambulances and other such nonsense.
The Scarfmore regime showed its dispensation of darkness when it declared that 21 institutions will not be subject to scrutiny or accountability or any other such niceties.
Among the institutions that are shielded from scrutiny are none other than the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe, the country’s central bank .
This is in direct contravention of section 62 of the constitution, which entitles the country’s citizens access to any information held by the state or by any institution or agency of government at every level, in so far as the information is required in the interests of public accountability.
This disgraceful move is hardly surprising given the Lacoste cabal’s obsession with opaqueness.
It strongly suggests that skullduggery is afoot in these institutions and that they will become stinking havens of corruption and looting.
As a result of the Scarfmore regime’s phobia of accountability, the weekly business paper, The Zimbabwe Independent is yet to get any clarity from the regime on how the Zupco buses were purchased despite winning a High Court case to get access to this information.
For all the criticism levelled against Gushungo, who will always be fondly remembered as a fountain of wisdom, he would have never gone to such preposterous lengths to hide what should be public information.
This scandalous veil of secrecy over public assets puts to bed, once and for all, the foolish claim that the probity-free Ngwena is a better leader than Gushungo was.
The nutty professor and Finance minister Mthuli Ncube managed to give some light to the announcement by his scarf wearing boss, Ngwena on the structured currency.
The details Mthuli revealed around this so-called structured currency was that the exchange rate will be indexed against a hard asset such as gold. If this is the plan, then it is dead in the water before it is even implemented.
For instance, is there even adequate gold to index the exchange rate against given the level of plunder and looting of the mineral to the extent that even the president of the Zimbabwe Miners Federation is a convicted gold smuggler?
I cannot help but feel underwhelmed with the latest dud which will do nothing to stabilise the worthless Zimbabwe dollar.
Just as I thought, this is another harebrained idea from the Lacoste cabal which has no clue of how to run the economy.
Stop It!
Dr Amai Stop it! PhD (Fake)