Ngwena kowtowing to Putin not statesmanlike

Ngwena, who was in Russia for some summit, complained that the Americans were now taking all their money to Zambia and Malawi. He said that made him feel lonely.

My Dear People

Video footage of Ngwena crying to Russian strongman Vladmir Putin that his isolation by the Americans makes him feel lonely was sad to watch.

Ngwena, who was in Russia for some summit, complained that the Americans were now taking all their money to Zambia and Malawi. He said that made him feel lonely.

For all the years that he has been in government, with over three decades of that time as a student of the legendary Gushungo, he should know that countries choose whom to establish relations with.

The Americans have said they do not want to be associated with people, who rig their way into power and are engaged in grand corruption.

After that cowardly coup against Gushungo, the Americans and other Western countries were willing to give him a chance, but he refused to reform.

Going to Russia to kowtow at Putin will not force the Americans to love him neither will it earn him respect from those, who stand-up to the West because such behaviour is not statesmanlike.

On a serious note, Ngwena’s ramblings in Russia were a foreign policy disaster especially given that he will be hosting the Sadc summit in August.


Ngwena’s desperation to cling on to power beyond the two terms stipulated in the constitution has reached embarrassing levels.

The Lacoste cabal leader’s comical antics of parading his ministers at events and reducing them to sloganeering dimwits, who parrot that he will still be in power in 2030, is reflective of how the octogenarian has lost the plot in his insatiable greed for power.

Even those in Zanu PF opposed to the butchering of the constitution to accommodate the scarfed one’s term of office face expulsion from the party. Munopenga!!!

This is in stark contrast to the commitment he expressed in a recent interview to stick to the constitutional two term limit.

 The latest maneuver by Scarfmore to cling on tenaciously to power can only spell doom for the country’s citizens whose levels of poverty have significantly increased since 2017 when he was propelled into power on the back of guns and tanks.

 It’s the stuff tragicomedies are made of that the octogenarian, who under his leadership has presided over a failed currency in just five years and the resultant stratospheric inflation levels that has wiped out incomes and savings among other ills, is seeking to extend such impoverished leadership for another two years. 

The public outcry against the term extension plan by even war veterans shows that the revulsion against the move runs deep.

 It speaks volumes that even within Zanu PF, most cannot stomach the idea of an extension of Scarfmore’s bankrupt leadership .

How they must miss the epitome of wisdom that was Gushungo.

The self-imposed Citizens Coalition for Change secretary general and unelected opportunist Sengezo Tshabangu has had quite an eventful month already.

 He has begun to pay back in full for being imposed as the leader of opposition after he was summoned to State House recently for a dinner,which was held to drum up support for the page 2 girl to take up the position of parliamentary ambassador.

This is in addition to being patron or ambassador (or is it both?) of health and tourism, which have not improved one iota since she was imposed to these sectors.

In fact the health sector has worsened since she was appointed to be the face of this troubled sector characterised by a shameful lack of basic facilities such as painkillers and massive brain drain as health workers scramble to countries, which have hospitals that can at least provide bandages and paracetamol.

But I digress. 

The pictures of Tshabangu grinning like a cat that got the cream at the State House function shows that this opposition impostor turned state poodle can scarcely believe his elevated status attained through chicanery and treachery.

He then had a torrid time trying to fend off accusations levelled against him of having sold out to Ngwena at the funeral of CCC opposition member Murisi Zwizwai.

This occurred amid the most unsurprising revelation that he would get funding for political parties despite not having participated at all in any way, shape or form during last year’s elections.

This is obviously for his role of recalling bona fide opposition parliamentarians and councilors who were elected. Such is the charmed life of this state poodle.

Since the launch of the new Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG) currency, only 30% is in circulation, the deputy Finance minister and beneficiary of Scarfmore’s nepotism, David Mnangagwa has revealed.

This is more than a month after the notes and coins have begun circulating, which rubbish the ridiculous report by one daily rag that the ZiG has taken the nation by storm. 

The slow uptake of the notes and coins is a clear reflection of the low levels of confidence in the currency and the incompetence of the central bank.

It speaks volumes that when Ngwena dishes out money like confetti at a wedding at events, be it for an old man doing headstands or for his minister to buy a suit, it is never in this funny money but in United States dollars.

 Indeed it was always going to be a hard sell to generate interest in a currency that cannot purchase something as basic as fuel or even the crucial document of a passport despite it being backed by gold, some which, Scarfmore told us, is stashed away in a secret location, God knows where.

It does not bode well when the main selling point for this new currency is that it will provide the much needed change for transactions in United States dollars.

The setting up of just less than 15 Homelink centres to help avail ZiG notes and coins nationwide is laughable as  it will only create chaos and congestion if anything should there be any decent uptake of the offer by the transcating public.

 It seems John the Second and co are operating the currency on a trial and error basis with no sense of direction whatsoever.

All in all, the whole process is a dogs’ breakfast.


Stop It!

Dr Amai Stop it! PhD (Fake)

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