Tshabangu & Co Precabe jaunt is proof opposition is dead

Information minister Jenfan Muswere revealed last week that the dispensation of poverty, darkness and confusion has completed more than 360 “signature” projects since the Scarfed One was catapulted into power on the back of guns and tanks.

My Dear People

The Scarfmore regime has been at pains to try to convince the country’s citizens that it is doing something other than impoverishing them through its scorched earth policies and downright incompetence.

Information minister Jenfan Muswere revealed last week that the dispensation of poverty, darkness and confusion has completed more than 360 “signature” projects since the Scarfed One was catapulted into power on the back of guns and tanks.

 This claim by the so-called second repubric propaganda chief has all the similarities to that of the Iraqi information minister, who earned the nickname Comical Ali.

Comical Ali gained notoriety during the evisceration of his country in the war with Americans in 1991 when he claimed that his government was in complete control.

Muswere’s claims of the regime’s success through the implementation of these projects are in stark contrast to the suffering of the country’s populace who last year alone lost nearly 50% of the value of their money in local currency introduced as Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG) in April last year.

What made the loss worse was that it had been touted as a gamechanger in bringing about stability as it was purportedly backed by tonnes of gold and millions of dollars in forex.

It is foolhardy for Muswere to boast of implementing such projects at a time it has proved to be utterly clueless in finding a solution to the country’s prolonged power outages that have at times lasted 24 hours and has seriously threatened business viability.

The claim by Muswere sounds hollow at a time when nearly half the country is reeling from poverty amid a sharp increase in the price of basic goods beyond the reach of  many.

Indeed  the  fatuous  Muswere claims of implementation of  these so called signature projects are an insult to the country’s citizens who are bearing the brunt of the atrocious leadership of the Scarfmore regime.


Revelations that more than 20 000 Zimbabweans illegally crossed into South Africa after the New Year holiday is yet another damning indictment of the shoddy leadership of the Scarfmore regime.

It is an indication of the extent of  poor governance of this dispensation of poverty, darkness and confusion that thousands of Zimbabweans are now risking arrest in searching of greener pastures in neighbouring South Africa.

It is not surprising that so many of the nation’s citizens are fleeing their country of birth given the hopeless and corrupt leadership of the regime of the Scarfed One characterised by alarming levels of poverty, currency volatility, persistent power outages and paucity of jobs.

That this comes shortly after the decision by regional retail giant Choppies to exit the country due to a toxic environment that forces them to use a thumbsuck exchange rate that defies market logic, is testament to how the country has sunk deeper into the abyss at the hands of this coup cabal.

It is, therefore mind boggling that in the face of such cataclysmic failure, that there is actually a push for the Scarfed One to extend his vapid leadership beyond the constitutional limit of 2028. How shameful!!!


The visit by the pseudo opposition party faction of the Citizens’ Coalition for Change(CCC) to the farm of the Scarfed One, which we are told included national dialogue, is the stuff comedy is made of.

The CCC faction led by the self-imposed secretary general and buffoon Sengezo Tshabangu has been beside themselves with excitement over this farm visit, if their remarks over this event is anything to go by.

That Tshabangu, who did not even participate in the 2023 elections and therefore has no constituency he represents is talking of engaging in national dialogue with the Scarfed One, demonstrates the lunacy of the country’s politics ever since the Scarfed One came into power amid fumes of gunpowder. 

Given that Tshabangu has become the leader of the opposition in Parliament through the help of the regime will make this a meeting not of two political leaders, but that of puppet and puppeteer.

 Indeed, these talks would probably be the most one-sided negotiation ever as Tshabangu cannot make any demands as he has absolutely no mandate.

These so-called talks are a joke. 

It seems the Scarfed One enjoys these kinds of negotiations in which he sits around a table with political minions who have no sway whatsoever as evidenced by the formation of the Political Actors’ Dialogue (Polad) in which the octogenarian engaged in dialogue with leaders of opposition parties that had less than one percent of the national vote in the 2018 elections.

These Polad meetings have become known more for the trinkets and allowances these political nonentities received as a result of being part of this useless grouping than any substantive discussion on national issues.

Unless and until the Scarfed One engages Nero, who received more than two million votes in the 2023 elections, despite their fraudulent nature, will the country’s citizens begin to be interested in national dialogue.

Anything else is a mere waste of time and money.


Stop It!

Dr Amai Stop it! PhD (Fake)]

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