Community artists to document endangered rock art

Amagugu International Heritage Centre programmes manager Allington Ndlovu confirmed the developments to Standard Style recently.
By Sharon Sibindi May. 19, 2024

Amagugu moves to empower youth

He said the objectives were to establish a network of Matobo Youth Peace Advocates to serve as champions of peace and development through visual art.
By Sharon Sibindi Sep. 17, 2023

My Beautiful Home contest over subscribed

“This year, 860 women took part in this contest by decorating their home with different shades of clay.
By Sharon Sibindi Oct. 2, 2022

Amagugu enhances Ndebele heritage

There was a Gqula Inkelo (Amarula kernel cracking) competition where the participants contested in cracking the kernels with nuts coming out unbroken.
By Sharon Sibindi Oct. 2, 2022