
July Moyo’s hand in controversial Masvingo land deal raises stink as firm gets plot for a song

The city fathers refused to approve the application arguing that the firm must first show that it had capacity to fully utilise the land that it already owned.
By Nkulumani Mlambo Jul. 9, 2023

Bulawayo City fathers disown borehole water

As the water crisis continues, water borne diseases, particularly diarrhoea, have become endemic in the city.
By Patricia Sibanda Jan. 8, 2023

Water leakages haunt Gweru council

Kombayi could, however, not provide exact statistics on the water leakages.
By Obert Siamulandu Nov. 26, 2022

Mutare’s Ambassador Jairos Mutambikwa is too good

SOME people are born just too good, in fact, they are a blessing to everyone and everything.
By Albert Masaka Nov. 20, 2022