Gracetidings: Difference between praying and begging

The bible says thou shall decree a thing and it shall be established.
By Doug Mamvura Jan. 12, 2025

Grace tidings: Have you changed your identity card?

There is a third part, and according to this scripture, by process of elimination, it has to be the part of us that is changed, our spirit man.
By Doug Mamvura May. 19, 2024

devotion column: Grace meal and spiritual growth

Ever noticed misfiring or loose canons purporting to defend the Gospel yet they’re religious apparatchiks
By Erasmus Makarimayi Jan. 22, 2024

The Law accuses and incriminates

The Law and the prophets (whose prophecy was on the basis of the Law) stand aloof while we’re being freed by Grace.
By Erasmus Makarimayi Sep. 23, 2023

Redeemed from poverty

Apostle Paul tells us in Galatians 3: 13-14, 29 that Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law. This is a done deal. 
By Doug Mamvura Aug. 27, 2023

Grace tidings: Your real problem is knowledge not faith

The amount of faith that you operate in is directly proportional to the revelation knowledge that you have of God through His Word.
By Doug Mamvura Aug. 6, 2023

Sunday word: Acting on your faith against all odds

According to the Bible, faith is the core element of christianity. It is what separates us from other beliefs as it is the core of true believers of Jesus Christ.
By Prosper Tingini Jul. 30, 2023

Devotion Column: Gospel of Christ and the Kingdom of God

It is God’s desire to show forth Himself in Christ and express His being in this earthly realm through those He purchased by the precious blood of Jesus.
By Erasmus Makarimayi Mar. 24, 2023

Faith, perseverance and accomplishment

The process must be complete and each milestone has a meaning in shaping the desired result.
By Prosper Tingini Dec. 18, 2022