What does it take to be a living sacrifice?

The carnal nature has long been the driving force for what is done with the body; therefore, it will most likely rebel when it is told to submit to God’s control.
By Doug Mamvura Nov. 24, 2024

Why Jews still cry over the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem

Tisha B'Av is a day for deep reflection on the causes of the Temples' destruction
By Rabbi Menachem Lehrfield Aug. 18, 2024

Palace Hotel pushes for synergies in arts

The Jerusalema hit maker will perform closer to his home (Limpopo)  at Beitbridge' Pagomba on August 4 before taking his act to Bulawayo's Palace Hotel.
By Style Reporter Jul. 30, 2023

Kenyan 'Jesus' summoned in crackdown on cults

Eliud Wekesa, popularly known as "Jesus of Tongaren", the leader of the New Jerusalem sect, was summoned on Tuesday for questioning about his suspicious religious teachings.
By Bbc News May. 10, 2023

Resurrected Christ; the believers life

Christianity subscribes incontestably to the incarnation of God in Jesus of Nazareth born of virgin Mary.
By Erasmus Makarimayi Dec. 3, 2022