Duo arrested for attempting to disrupt presidential motorcade

presidential motorcade

TWO men were today arraigned before Harare magistrate Caroline Matanga facing criminal nuisance charges after they were allegedly spotted attempting to throw stones at the Presidential motorcade.

The pair, Stewart Huni (21) of Chitungwiza and Nesbert Coffee (28) of Epworth were allegedly heard on November 19 shouting: "Toda kukanda Matombo ku motorcade" (we want to throw stones at the motorcade) while at Cnr Jason Moyo and Julius Nyerere Way in Harare.

They were also heard shouting “Ndakufaya ini ndakufaya”, which was understood as stating that they were ready to throw stones as the motorcade was passing.

According to the law, their act is deemed illegal.

In court, Coffee denied the allegations saying at the time when he was said to have committed the crime, he had just arrived in a commuter omnibus from Chitungwiza where he was the conductor.

“I noticed that Huni had already been arrested by the police, and I went there to find out what had happened.  That is when they (police) started pointing at me saying I was the other one who was saying those things,” Coffee said.

The pair was denied bail and remanded to December 8 for trial.


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