Zanu PF MP demands shares, conservancies for war vets

In 1997, the late former president Robert Mugabe succumbed to pressure and awarded the ex-combatants $50 000 payouts as well as monthly gratuities.
By Bongile Moyo Jul. 21, 2024

Parents petition govt over ZiG school fees

The parents further accused the school authorities of victimising learners whose parents are vocal against mismanagement at the school.
By Miriam Mangwaya Jul. 15, 2024

‘I’m sorry’, Grace says to lawyer as she drops US$50k lawsuit

Grace’s lawyers apologised to Bwanya saying they were misled by their client.
By Desmond Chingarande Jul. 13, 2024

Perspectives: Zimbabwe must strive to build resilient communities

Presidential democracy has never existed since time memorial because of long stay in aggrandized, abused and mis-managed power.
By Nevison Mpofu Jul. 7, 2024

Mnangagwa goes after Mugabe’s family, relatives

Grace's vast tracts of land at her Mazowe citrus farm, which also houses an orphanage and the Amai Mugabe School, were given to to Home Affairs minister Kazembe Kazembe. 
By Miriam Mangwaya Jul. 7, 2024

ED blew a golden chance

Most Zimbabweans across the country thought Mnangagwa was going to perform better than his predecessor, Mugabe.
By Leonard Koni Jul. 6, 2024

Editor’s Memo: Why it is vital to respect the Constitution and rule of law

They ignored the pain of downturns, arguing that he was only an innocent victim of Western muscle flexing.
By Shame Makoshori Jul. 5, 2024

Zim’s foreign policy: A shift or same old

This was repeated on all official platforms, and for the first time in a long time, there seemed to be a shift from what the last administration had focused on, the Look East Policy.
By Munyaradzi Mapfumo Jul. 5, 2024

The art of diplomacy and Charamba’s toxicity

Charamba’s belligerency reached a zenith following the critical Sadc election observer mission report led by former Zambian Vice-President Nevers Mumba.
By Trevor Ncube Jun. 27, 2024