Spread the warmth through sharing

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My evening ritual these days is to grab a blankie, mug of hot chocolate and sit by the fire.

My evening ritual these days is to grab a blankie, mug of hot chocolate and sit by the fire.

Fashion and Beauty with Heather R

No fear of cinders yet, I am keen on anything to keep me from feeling the winter chill. To add to that, I wear sufficient layers of warm clothing.

If I am indoors and the cold still bothers me, imagine those that are outside and have nothing to wear, cover, eat or drink to ward off the cold. They are lying on cardboard boxes and use the same boxes to shield themselves from the cold. Whatever shelter they can find is inadequate to keep them warm enough.

It is not only grownups who are on the streets; they have young children and babies with them. I do not know why they are on the streets, I do not know why they have resorted to begging instead of finding a job, even as a domestic worker. I also do not know why they are not in the rural areas like some of our relatives who live there and are subsistence farmers.

What I do know is what Jesus said, “The poor you will have with you always.” It is not just a developing country thing as the poor are there in every country of the world. The degrees of poverty and quantities of poor people may vary but they are poor nonetheless. Some of us may not have to look too far as we have orphaned, widowed or poor relatives.

Let us be intentional this winter about helping others. Firstly, here are a few things the less fortunate could use this winter: Blankets Jerseys Sweaters Beanies Tracksuits Socks Scarves Gloves Any of these will help keep them warm. You can go to stores to buy these or get together as a family, church or group of friends and delve into your wardrobes for items of clothing that you no longer wear because you have outgrown them, you no longer “feel” them or they no longer work for you. It is also a way to clean out your closet and make sure you only hang onto what you really need.

Usually, when I go shopping for new stuff, I take something out of my wardrobe so it is never chock-a-block full of clothes that I have not put on for six months.

Once you have decided what you have or would like to give, find the people you would like to donate to; family, the homeless, orphanages, anyone you would like spread some warmth to this winter.

Food stuffs are also great to donate because our bodies need more food to generate more warmth, so give a meal or its implements. Stay warm and help others stay warm.