Change wardrobe as winter gives way to summer

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The season is turning, kind of. The winter is being stubborn, but we can tell summer is trying to break through.

The season is turning, kind of. The winter is being stubborn, but we can tell summer is trying to break through.

Fashion and Beauty with Heather R

Looking out of my bedroom window, it is overcast with the sun fighting to break through the clouds, I continue to hope that one morning I will wake up and the sunshine and blue sky would have won the battle. With the change of the seasons comes the change of wardrobes.

I know most of us, especially women, do not have enough space in our wardrobes to contain both our winter and summer wear. This therefore necessitates the need for wardrobe organisational skills. I am an avid fan of packing my stuff according to its groups: earrings, necklaces (short and long), jerseys, jeans, tank tops, belts, shoes, plus everything is grouped according to size and colour.

As the winter draws to an end, your need for trench coats, chunky scarves and jerseys is diminishing. Therefore, having a cramped wardrobe with clothes for two seasons when you will only be wearing clothes for one season is not wise.

The wise thing to do is find a storage box or suitcase where you can store your clothes for the season you are done with. Like now, you would be packing away your winter wear. It would be best if you set aside an entire day to do this or else tackle one shelf at a time so that if you have to go, your room will not look like a war zone.

SORT Sort your clothes out into summer and winter wear. Then into the winter wear you actually wore, and the one you did not wear. If you wear it, it should go into the keep pile while the clothes you did not wear should go into a donation pile.

Quick way to decide on what to get rid of, by Nicole Lawson, professional wardrobe organiser If it is too small If you feel grumpy in it If you have not worn it in the past year If you have a newer, better version of it If it looks obviously dated If it is beyond repair If it looks “tired”. Bobbly jersey, we mean you! If it is a shrunken, faded, out of shape T-shirt If you only bought it because it was on sale

CLEAN Wash everything so that you are storing clean clothes because, firstly, you do not want to realise that your jersey is dirty when you pull it out to wear next winter. Secondly, some stains will set permanently and will not come out when you try and wash them out in six months time. Thirdly, moths are attracted to the dirt on the clothes, especially if they are food related.

MEND If you have lost any buttons, find a replacement and sew it on. If there are any tears, mend them so you are storing clothes that are in mint condition and when you take them out, they are ready to wear.

STORE Fold or roll neatly and pack into suitcase or storage box.

In the wardrobe Arrange everything so you can see it. You will not wear what you cannot see. A chest of drawers does not work for me because it feels like it is too much of an effort to find something. Out of sight is out of mind. Instead, I use drawers to store my seasonal wear, particularly my winter sweaters.

Fold T-shirts and sweaters and place them on a shelf. Pack according to colour or sleeve length.

Use the same type of hangers so they look neater. Wooden or plastic hangers are best instead of metal hangers. Make them face the same way. Hang clothes according to their types and colours, that is, jeans, shirts, jackets, etc.

Shoes You can place your shoes in clear shoe containers. Since the container is transparent you can see what shoe is inside, while they are also being protected from dust.

Alternatively, you can store them in their original boxes so you can identify them by brand. Neither of the above works for me because the boxes make my room look like a shoe warehouse. I prefer to have mine on a shoe rack or shoe stand.

Arrange your handbags on a shelf. Hats should be stored in plastics or on a shelf in your wardrobe because it is harder to get dust off hats than it is to get it off shoes.

For accessories like necklaces, bangles and sunglasses, organise them in boxes or jewellery trays or you could hang them on hooks in your wardrobe or room. Not only will they look cute, but they will be easy to find.

Most store-bought garments come with spare buttons or sequins. Put these in a box, that way you will not have to hunt them down when you need them.