Dog mauls minor to death.

Magistrate Clever Tsikwa, however, acquitted the duo of the charges.
By Trevor Mutsvairo Jul. 14, 2024

Pageant to dispel misconceptions around beauty

In addition to mentioning that great women support other women, Zaranyika expressed her excitement and anticipation for a wonderful experience.
By Sharon Zebra May. 31, 2024

Land occupiers approach ConCourt

They further argued that the penalty of eviction which could be arrived at does not afford the affected minors the opportunity to make representations and to be heard.
By Desmond Chingarande Apr. 26, 2024

Perspectives: Reflections on Covid 19 experiences

The following day they got a message saying the man had been tested and he was positive.
By Levee Kadenge Mar. 31, 2024

Battle to protect Vic Falls rages

He warned that if corrective remedy is not taken, future generations will blame authorities for ruining the Victoria Falls.
By Tinashe Kairiza Feb. 2, 2024

Some govt ministries derailing the President’s efforts

There are some ministries which are key in any country. The  failure by such ministries naturally brings untold misery to citizens.
By Johannes Marisa Jun. 22, 2023

Truck driver jailed 18 months for negligence

Ronnie Tsutsutsu of Norton, employed by a South African cross-border haulage trucking company, will serve an effective 14 months in prison for negligence.
By Rex Mphisa Jun. 12, 2023

Traffic jams hit Norton residents

The problem begins from Kuwadzana round about, some 10 kilometres west of Harare’s central business district, right up to the intersection of the Bulawayo Road with Rotten Row in the city centre.
By Hazel Chucha May. 12, 2023

Mwonzora recalls Norton, Mutare councillors

Opposition MDC Alliance president Douglas Mwonzora has struck again, recalling three Norton Town Council councillors and three Mutare councillors.
By Problem Masau and Clayton Masekesa Mar. 1, 2023